ASD Brochure
NSW 02 9644 7144 QLD 07 3252 5366 VIC 03 9544 2211 WA 08 9349 2972 10 Networking of Securiton special fi re detectors Function Using FidesNet, multiple ASDs are connected to each other via a serial RS-485 interface. The SEC-SIM-35 module is used as the serial interface module in the SecuriSmoke ASD. The FidesPort SEC-NCU-900 regulates communication in the network and integrates it into the superordinate system. In order to forward data from the field level, the FidesPort SEC-NCU-900 supports standard interfaces (such as Modbus TCP) for connecting to hierarchically superordinate systems such as a BMS building management system or Securiton's own visualisation system, Netsoft. Networking The ASDs on the RS-485 field bus can be connected with the FidesControl SEC-NCU-700 displays as required. All ASD-to-RCU combinations are possible here. Per RS-485 network, up to 100 ASDs and 50 RCUs can be connected to an SEC-NCU-900. Applications The FidesNet network solution is typically used wherever remote visualisation and operation are required. This may be due to difficult to access areas – such as high security areas at airports, in laboratories, IT environments, etc – where aspirating smoke detectors are installed but where a technician cannot always gain access (or where access is difficult). Another possible application is central visualisation and operation in a safety management system in order to monitor the entire installation from a single location. In addition to remote visualisation and operation, the connection to other systems via standardised interfaces is another important area of application. For example, forwarding the relevant measurement data to a measurement system at a data centre allows an operating company to gain an overview of the current system status. Operation Operation takes place via the 7-inch touch- screen on the FidesControl unit. All data from the networked special fi re detectors is available on this display. Each detector in the network can be accessed via the FidesControl unit in order to call up detailed information, such as for pending maintenance work. The detectors can be isolated by channel and also reset in the event of errors or alarms. • The networked ASDs can be divided up between various FidesControl units as required (e.g. 1 ASD: 1RCU; 1ASD: 50 RCUs; 100 ASDs : 1 RCU; 100 ASDs : 50 RCUs, etc.). Up to 100 ASDs are possible on one RCU. • The elegant 7-inch touchscreen display sets new standards when it comes to user experience. • Various interfaces are available on the FidesPort, such as Modbus TCP. These can be used to integrate the data from the networked ASDs directly into other systems, such as building management systems. • The FidesControl displays can be operated via Power over Ethernet (PoE). • Individual customer-speci fi c con fi guration of the display measuring value units in relative (%) or absolute (%/m), default screen, acoustics, etc. • Con fi guration of display language (German, English, simpli fi ed Chinese, etc.) • Protection against unauthorised operation (isolation protected via PIN entry) • Interface to the Netsoft visualisation system. FidesNet Fire Detection System Network ASD Networking and Visualizatio n FidesNet makes it possible to connect multiple SecuriSmoke aspirating smoke detectors in a network while also enabling decentralised access via one or more FidesControl SEC-RCU-700 units. The performance scope includes RS-485 networking plus the visualisation and operation of all connected ASDs on the FidesControl RCUs linked in the network. Various other functions can be implemented in addition to visualisation and operation.