Catalogue EKHO

Any combination of Ekho wireless devices can be connected to the Expander Module*. The Expander Module transmits the intelligent device information from the field devices to the Loop Translator Module using a highly stable bi-directional radio communication protocol. The system parameters are programmed into the Expander Module via the Translator Module. The Expander Module Is fitted with two Internal antennas reducing signal fading and ensuring reliable radio communications. Optional back box available. Description The EK-WL8-EXP/AU Expander Module increases radio coverage of an Ekho Translator Module, allowing the use of the system in larger buildings and in difficult wireless environments. Multiple Expanders can be utilised in a micro cell structure to provide a solution to large, complex systems. When multipl e Exp ander Modules (tw o or mor e) ar e u sed, the se prov ide a ME SH so lution maintainin g t he wireless systems integrity . The syst em allows up t o 126 Exp ander Modules or fiel d devices t o be configur ed t o any one Translat or Modu le*. EK-WL8-EXP /AU Hybrid Wireless Expander Module Features Standards & Approvals Specifications Ordering code EK-WL8-EXP/AU Optional Back box is available (EK-BBOX-01) Operating frequency range 918 - 926 MHz Communication range (in open air) 1200 m Modulation type GFSK Operating frequency channels 6 Max. radiated power ≤ 25 mW Time period between wireless signal transmissions 2 minutes Current consumption 80 mA Operating voltage 11 - 28 VDC Operating temperature range - 10 °C to + 55 °C Max. tolerated humidity 93% RH (non-condensing) Weight (g) / Dimensions (mm) 320 / H 143 x W 210 x D 42 without Back box *Dependant on available loop address capacity ISS1 OCT20 Approved to AS ISO 7240 Parts 18 & 25 RED c ompliant Suppor ts ME SH c ommunications Bi-direction al wireles s communication Self optimisin g w ireles s amplit ude and frequency Make s addition s t o e xistin g w ir ed sy st ems ea sy and c os t effective Require s extern al pow er s upp ly (24 VDC). AS ISO 7240 -18 Input/Output Devices AS ISO 7240 -25 Components using radio links For further information visit Hochiki Australia Pty Ltd. reserves the right to alter the specification of its products from time to time without notice. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this document it is not warranted or represented by Hochiki Australia Pty Ltd. to be a complete and up-to-date description.