SYNCRO-M2 Brochure
NSW 02 9644 7144 QLD 07 3252 5366 VIC 03 9544 2211 WA 08 9349 2972 SYNCRO AS 1-2 Loop Analogue Addressable Control Panel BMS LOOP 1 LOOP 2 (if fitted) SYNCRO AS 1-2 Loop Analogue Addressable Control Panel (1) ACCOMODATION MODE Accomodation Mode is an automatic function that provides a local warning to the occupants and allows a time frame to clear smoke from the detector. This function helps prevent false alarms, fire brigade call outs and their asscoiated costs. Syncro allows a BMS interface so you can initiate a BMS solution Occupant Warning Control Evacuation Module Speakers 1. Accomodation Mode 6. Building Management Systems Solutions High Integrity Configurable Network LOOP 3 - LOOP 8 Network card required Network card required xtra F I REbeam