TAKTIS-S3 Brochure
NSW 02 9644 7144 QLD 07 3252 5366 VIC 03 9544 2211 WA 08 9349 2972 FIRENET, NFP, PHOENIX CHANGEOUT 10 ANALOGUE SENSORS PRODUCTS: - FIRENET Solution (1) Possibility to upgrade loop card to link to HRE detectors (to be confirmed with Incite Fire) (2) Continue to maintain systemwith available parts (3) Upgrade systemwith Syncro / Taktis panels PRODUCTS: - Syncro (Hochiki Product) - Taktis (Hochiki Product) Solution (1) Continue as is for the future PRODUCTS: - FFE9000 - FFE10000 - AB3000 Solution (1) Replace Fire system The belowchart shows each panel and its corresponding detectors, alongwith a recommended solution for each site. Where a site has a FFE9000 or FFE10000 panel and only HRE detectors, (Red column below) the only solution is to change the entire fire system. If a site has Firenet panels there may be an option to update the systemby changing only the panels as can been seen on the opposite page. All Hochiki GTP loop protocol devices will work with Syncro andTaktis (*) Operates in fixed temperature mode only as per ATG-AS ANALOGUE SENSORS HRE DETECTORS PHOTO ALB-E ION AIA-E HEAT ATA-E HEAT WATER- PROOF MULTI COLOUR IVORY BASE YBF-RL/2NBF HRE DETECTORS GTP DETECTORS ALB-E ALG-AS ALK-AS AIA-E AIE-AS ATA-E ATG-AS ACB-AS ACB-ASW AAM ACA-E IVORY IVORY YBF-RL/2NBF YBN-R/2NA GTP DETECTORS ESP DETECTORS ALG-AS ALK-AS ALK-ASN AIE-AS ATG-AS ACB-AS(*) ACB-ASN ACB-ASW ACB-ASNW AAF ACA-E ACA-ASN IVORY WHITE YBN-R/2NA YBN-R/3(WHT) ACC-ASN